Friday, May 17, 2013

My Android Reboot Class: 101

Class: 101

First class and hands on details, how I try to make my first real application. 

What I learn, I will share, each bits and bytes with you all, so that a collective learning can be attained in this first session or in upcoming future sessions. 

This lesson is for the first timers, so if you are advance Android experts you can further skip this lesson or future lessons.

So, this how I started my first Android learning curve.................... 

Prerequisite for this session: 

1.) Windows(XP/7/8) Or Ubuntu (10-12.04 LTS) machines. 
2.) Eclipse IDE 
3.) Android SDK (
4.) ADT-Plugin for Eclipse to integrate Android feature in IDE.   
5.) Latest SDK tools and platforms using Android SDK.

Don't worry, if you don't know, how to install and configure the above prerequisite. I will share each details with you in upcoming classes :) 

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