Tuesday, May 29, 2007

  • Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE): This kit is necessary for developing all applications, except those designed for consumer devices (See the Micro Edition). Java SE comes bundled with the compiler, a runtime environment, and core API.
  • Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE): This packages includes an application server, web server, J2EE APIs, support for Enterprise JavaBeans, Java Servlets API, and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. Use J2EE with the Java SE.
  • Web Applications: Sun Java Studio Creator IDE is great for quick and easy web application development. In addition, this IDE is built on NetBeans, starting with a subset of the functionality and extending it. Java Studio Creator allows you to build applications visually, like with MS Visual Basic for building asp.net applications. The programming part is cleanly separated from the UI part.
  • Java Platform Micro Edition (Java ME): If you are interested in developing programs for Palm Pilots, screen phones, and other consumer devices, this kit provides tools for compiling, deployment and device configuration, and APIs that are specialized for each type of device.
JavaTM SE 6 Platform at a Glance

This document covers the JavaTM Platform, Standard Edition 6 JDK. Its product version number is 6 and developer version number is 1.6.0, as described in Platform Name and Version Numbers. For programmer guides or information on a feature of the JDK, click on a component in the diagram below.

JDK Java Language
Java Language
Tools &
Tool APIs
java javac javadoc apt jar javap JPDA jconsole
Security Int'l RMI IDL Deploy Monitoring Troubleshoot Scripting JVM TI
JRE Deployment
Deployment Java Web Start Java Plug-in
User Interface
AWT Swing Java 2D
Accessibility Drag n Drop Input Methods Image I/O Print Service Sound
Java SE
Other Base
Beans Intl Support I/O JMX JNI Math
Networking Override Mechanism Security Serialization Extension Mechanism XML JAXP
lang and util
Base Libraries
lang and util Collections Concurrency Utilities JAR Logging Management
Preferences API Ref Objects Reflection Regular Expressions Versioning Zip Instrument
Java Virtual
Java HotspotTM Client VM Java HotspotTM Server VM

SolarisTM Linux Windows Other